
Competitive Fares, Lower Parking Fees, Close to Home

Find out just how much you’re saving when flying out of Dane County Regional Airport with our Flight Cost Calculator:

  • MSN - Dane County Regional Airport: Madison, Wisconsin
  • MKE - General Mitchell International Airport: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • ORD - O'Hare International Airport: Chicago, Illinois
  To & From MSN To & From MKE To & From ORD
Enter Airfare $ $ $
Mileage * $0.00 $116.00 $189.00
Travel Time Cost ** $0.00 $75.00 $125.00
Days Parking *** $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

*Mileage is based on 166 miles roundtrip to Milwaukee and 270 miles roundtrip to Chicago at 70.0 ¢/mile, the average IRS per mile business rate, based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile.

**Travel time is based on 3 hours roundtrip to Milwaukee and 5 hours roundtrip to Chicago at $25/hour

*** Parking rates based on $10/day at MSN, $18/day at MKE & $43/day at ORD